Build and Run your First Docker Application (CLI)



  1. You must need Docker installed in your machine- Mandatory
    You can follow my previous article about “
    How to Install Docker (Beginner) in Ubuntu
  2. Basic git knowledge -Mandatory
  3. Basic Command Line Interface (CLI) knowledge — Optional

At first we need to know 4 things

  1. Docker File
  2. Docker Image
  3. Docker Container
  4. Git


Git is a distributed version control system used for tracking changes in source code during software development. It enabling multiple developers to work together on non-linear development.
We will work with Github. It is a web-based platform that hosts and manages Git repositories. It extends the capabilities of Git, making collaboration, code sharing, and project management more efficient.
I will not describe the complete documentation here, I am going to clone a github repository for this article. So I will talk about Git Repository and Clone.

GIT Repository:

In Git, a repository (or repo) is like a project’s folder that contains all the files and the version history. There are 2 Types of Repo. A) Private Repo, B) Public Repo. Here is our public “first-docker-application” Repo.

GIT Clone:

“git clone” CLI command is primarily used to point to an existing REPO and make a clone or copy of that at in a local machine in new directory in your machine or server .



MD. Rajibul Hasan | MERN Stack Developer

The Founder of Apps Maker BD and Frontend Developer at Penta Global Ltd.